About Me
Hi All!
Who am I?
My name is Abby, I finished high school at the end of 2019. I work part time at a small cafe called Rambling Rose in Benalla. I am currently studying at Charles Sturt University to get my diploma of general studies. After finishing my diploma of general studies I would then like to go into nurse and midwifery at Charles Sturt University.
My interest
In my free time I like to spent as much time as possible with my family and dog, this is normally done when we go camping and are away from technology where we can spend quality time together. We often like to explore new areas and to do a lot of travelling around Australia. I also like to spent time with my boyfriend and my friends as much as possible but it is now harder to catch up with everyone since some are working full time and others are continuing on with more study like myself.
In my free free time I like to read books most about vampires and other mythical creatures, and I love the Harry Potter series it is one of my absolute favourites, I also listen music and of course watch some Netflix.
Here is a photo of our dog Simba.