March 17


AutoDraw is a site online that is used for drawing that is great for people in the art area. You can either draw free hand or you can us a tool call auto draw where you try to draw what u want to find and it gives you a suggestions to what the site thinks you are trying to draw, you can also change different colours and chose from shapes. I used it to try and create beach setting with the city behind which was so much fun and enjoyed a lot. The drawing turned out pretty well but it was a bit hard to get it perfect, in a way there kind of need to be a few extra tools. I would recommend AutoDraw to someone that could want to do a funky poster because it does let you write in it so it could be useful, it would also be useful to do designing with if you have a really good hand. It is a really enjoyable site that anyone would be able to use at any age.
