April 21

Assessment 3

For my third Assessment I had to make a Podcast about my future career. I want to become a midwife so I did my Podcast on Midwifery and called my Podcast Abby’s Podcast On Midwifery. To record my Podcast I used Audacity which I had to download onto my computer. With this being a new app I had know idea what I was doing so I playing around with the app for a while, and when i finally understood what I was doing. I was able to record what I was saying in parts and add music in which I found on Free Music Archive, that I was then able to cut into smaller pieces to use in my Podcast. It was easy to edit everything since it was all on one app and I could cut and copy stuff if I needed too. I used Soundcloud to upload my Podcast and found it very easy to navigate since I had also never used that before, I added an image that I found on Pixabay, and then published my Podcast.

I had lots of fun with creating this assessment, once I had actually started. I learnt so much from it not just about online tools but also about myself since I never thought I would ever be comfortable with creating a Podcast.

Image: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/white-male-3d-man-isolated-3d-1871415/

Music: “The Spring (Instrument)”


“Rising Bells”


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