Assessment 2
The information that I got back from the profile outcome for digital online learner skills framework ‘connect’, was that I was mainly a bold beginner and an intrepid intermediate. This means to me that I have an understanding about how to connect to other and I know how to use different websites to connect with them. It also tells me that I have lots of room to grow and further develop my skills with using online platforms and using them to connect with others. I have used sites such as Padlet, LinkedIn and adobe connect, to connect with other peers. I have used Padlet during many classes to connect with other peers about what we are doing, we do this by all writing something and then we can read over what others have said and we can leave a comment or we can like what they have said. When creating my LinkedIn profile, I was able to follow and connect with my peers who were also doing the same thing. I was also able to join groups that connect to the career path that I would like to take in the near future, this also allows me to be able to interact with them and professionals that or in the group.
Connecting online is important because it always us to be able to interact with others and seek opportunities that we may not have been able to have if we didn’t have social media or other online sites. I now have a better understanding on how I can connect with others because I know about so many new and different websites that can be used to interact with others. I know I can still develop my understanding better throughout this year, on how to interact with other and that I will become more confident and comfortable doing so. I now have new knowledge about how I am able to protect myself will using social media and other websites, I also know how to present myself better online so that I have a good online profile for when someone is searching me up to find out more about me. Due to joining groups on LinkedIn I have been able to join in communities that have the same interest as I do, and I have been able to see what I will be doing and looking at in the future. Through LinkedIn I have found many other students that are doing the diploma of General Studies this year who are not only from my campus but from everywhere else, which has been pretty cool to see and know how many others are doing this course which I wouldn’t have known if I didn’t have an account.
So far while setting up my professional profile I have moments where I have thought that some things may be really useful and can help make a better profile, that if I hadn’t looking into them I probably would have thought that they would have no be useful for me. To move forward in the future with ‘connecting’ online, I will make sure that a regularly update my profiles and change anything that may need changing, so that my profiles can look the best that the possibly can. I will also continue to find new digital tools and explore all the different things that there is to do with them, like I have done with AutoDraw. By continuing to do this I will help able to help myself to become a better digital online learner over time and I will have been able to explore many different sites and I may find that some digital tools could potentially be very useful when studying and doing revision, which will then improve my studying and time.