Deliverables and Risks


  1. Weekly progress reports
  2. Updating tracking in MS project
  3. Weekly topic study
  4. Project proposal and plan
  5. Annotated bibliography
  6. Research innovation and ethical analysis quiz
  7. Project Closure
    • Project Report (Blog)
    • Seminar
  8. Conclusion upon research of project topic

Format and ideas taken from (“Cyber Security challenges for Australia in the Asian-Pacific region,” n.d.)

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Risk Analysis

A risk calculation matrix, with defined scales for Risk Consequences and Likelihood of Occurrence the risk analysis, aided in creating the Risk Analysis Figure 5 Risk Analysis for the project.
The risk “Failed to deliver assessment tasks 1-3 on time”. Almost came to fruition with this assignment, due to misunderstanding the assignment specifications. This mishap created the opportunity to exploit the risk, and improve the project style and to create a new category, lessons learnt.


Project Risk Analysis

Project Risks
 Project is incomplete, with failure to pass assessment milestones.  Follow project timeline with the use of weekly progress reports.  Possible  Catastrophic  High
 Unable to find enough relevant peer reviewed papers for annotated bibliography.  Look for research early in the session to allow time to change project topic.  Possible  Moderate  High
 Fail online quiz.  Ensure project is on track, so there is time to study.  Possible  Moderate  High
 Failure to give presentation on time due to health issues.  Keep in contact with Ken and check in and obtain necessary doctor’s certificates if required.  Possible Catastrophic  High
 Unable to provide proof of concept of security flaws for project in time. Keep track of project timeline using weekly progress reports and communicate with Ken.  Possible  Moderate  High
 Work is of poor quality and not at post-graduate level.  Keep track of project deliverables via weekly project reports. Obtain regular feedback from Ken and supervisor.  Unlikely  Catastrophic  Medium
 Loss of documents and blog for project.  Keep back ups of work in cloud storage, take regular data snap shots of site.  Rare  Catastrophic  Medium
 Failed to deliver assessment tasks 1-3 on time.  Track work progress using project timeline and weekly progress reports.  Unlikely  Moderate  Medium
 Health impairs timely delivery of assessment tasks 1-4 on time.  Keep 1-2 weeks of slack within project and track project progress. Notify Ken and obtain doctor’s certificates.  Possible  Moderate  High

Format and ideas taken from (“Cyber Security challenges for Australia in the Asian-Pacific region,” n.d.)
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Risk Calculation Matrix

Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic
Almost Certain Medium High High Extreme Extreme
Likely Medium Medium High High Extreme
Possible Low Medium High High High
Unlikely Low Medium Medium Medium Medium
Rare Low Low Low Medium Medium

Adapted from (“SCADA-Generic-Risk-Management-Framework.pdf,” n.d.)

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Risk Consequences

Unable to
substantial parts of the project leading to subject failure.
Missing parts of the project. Loss of grade points to
level of pass only.
 Missing small project
quality to obtain HD.
Missing or
incorrect minor details. May cause loss of a couple of marks, does not interfere with project completion or grade outcome.
Missing or
detail. May cause loss of one marks. Does not interfere with project completion or grade outcome.

Adapted from (“SCADA-Generic-Risk-Management-Framework.pdf,” n.d.)

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Likelihood of Occurrence

Almost Certain
The event is
to occur in most
The event will PROBABLY occur in most
circumstances and is
expected at some time.
The event MIGHT occur at some time but is not
The event COULD occur at some time. The event MAY
occur in

Adapted from (“SCADA-Generic-Risk-Management-Framework.pdf,” n.d.)

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