
Is the capstone topic area appropriate?

The capstone topic area is appropriate. It is about the latest in Android applications and concerns security, which is also a growing area of interest.

Has the Project Blog been setup?


Has there been sufficient justification of the choice of the topic?

The justification is discovering an area of weakness within the Google APIs that can assist in circumventing dangerous permission. This is relevant to todays technologies and for the future.

Is there enough scope for a sufficiently deep/complex analysis?

There’s considerable research in the areas of Android security and permissions. The greatest challenge is creating a program to hack these security measures.

Is the scope appropriate for what might be reasonably expected in the capstone project subject?

The scope is appropriate, it is a professional level topic. It is too long to complete the research within the time frame of the subject. This is no issue, as the project closure section of the syllabus can be presented as a final project report for that time period.