All posts by zarghamkhalid1994

Week 2

Date Week Task Description Issues/Questions Plan Action/Results Finished
27/07/2020 2 Topic selected after discussion with teacher 5G technology because it is emerging topic Why 5G is a research topic? What are the challenges and how it is different from other cellular technologies? Blog setup done, the weekly report starts to begin. Topic has been approved by the lecturer after discussion in class. Yes

Week 1

Date Week Task Description Issues/Questions Plan Action/Results Finished
20/07/2020 1 Selection of a research topic we have selected a research topic for the further research Topic must be research-based and deeply focused on issues/challenges and applications. Topic Selection and creation of project blog Approval needed by lecturer Yes


5th generation wireless networks (5G) is successor to existing wireless networks 3G, 4G LTE that is being designed to communicate smart devices, machines and objects everywhere. 5G wireless communication focuses on providing very high data rates (in Gbps) with low latency and enormous improvements in customers quality of service. Since increasing number of smart devices day by day, demand of emerging technological applications and high-speed wireless data rate is becoming overhead for existing wireless networks (like 4G LTE networks). So 5G networks will make new market norms by providing improved data rates, QoS, low latency and huge capacity. 5G undoubtedly not a sheer advancement of 4G, however, an incorporation of newly technologies which will meet the necessities of promising services and user demands. In this research paper, it is explained that how 5G will be proved as innovation in industrial revolution by supporting billions of IoT devices, connected autonomous cars, remote healthcare, smart cities, and virtual reality systems.

About Me and My Project

My name is Zargham Khalid and I am doing my master in information technology from Charles Sturt University with the specialization of network security. I am a freelancer and i am very keen to learn new things and gain my knowledge in all areas.Recently, I have studied an article on 5G wireless technology and the innovation ande it caught my interest from that time i wanted to work and explore more about 5G technology. Therefore, this is the great opportunity for me to read and gain more knowledge on 5G and its innovation and showcase my expertise in this project.