Below is a list of some key terms and their definitions you will come across during your research. For more detailed definitions and/or further terms, a more comprehensive list is available in your history syllabus, found on page 136. A further list is also available on page 53 of the elective syllabus.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples: the original inhabitants of Australia and the islands of northern Queensland off Cape York Peninsula
- Country/Land: in the context of Aboriginal peoples, is used to describe a specific area of a nation or clan including physical, linguistic and spiritual features
- Human rights: a right that should apply to all people
- Indigenous peoples: the first inhabitants of a country
- Invasion: the forced takeover of land or country
- Land rights: a term used in Australia to describe the indigenous peoples’ struggle to regain their land
- Reconciliation: a term used in Australia to strengthen relationships between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians (Reconciliation Australia, n.d.)
- Stolen Generations: these are the indigenous Australians who were forcibly removed from their families as part of government policies up until the 1970s