When researching sites on the internet, irrespective of the search engine you choose there are many tips and tricks you can use to help improve your results and therefore the information you receive and use. Google is the number one search engine but that is not necessarily the best for our purposes. For this assignment, we will be using the “Duckduckgo” search engine. This engine has a focus on its users’ privacy and security, and this is important in a school situation. Searching with Duckduckgo is similar to that of Google and we can use these simple techniques
- The first results from a search may not be the best
- Use keywords, not sentences
- Don’t use capitals
- Use brackets around groups of words you wish to search together
Click here for further hints to improve your search results with Duckduckgo.
Sorting the Good from the Bad
The internet has both reliable and unreliable information, but how can you tell the difference? It is your responsibility to ensure you test the information you use in your research. It should be Current, Relevant, Authoritative, Accurate, and Purposeful (CRAAP).
For further instruction on how we use the CRAAP test to evaluate websites click here for a simple how-to video or here for a more in-depth analysis