Hi all,
My name is Ameena Thasneem ShaikBepari, Student ID-11724003 and I’m persuing my master’s specialisation in Computer Networking. My master’s thesis is on IoT based Smart Homes that includes challenges and solutions related to its privacy and security.
My research tiltle is ” Security Assessment for IoT based Smart Home Devices using OCTAVE allegro methodology”. My specialisation is Computer Networking so, i would like to explore my knowledge around security assessments of IoT technologies.
Abstract –
In today’s era, security vulnerabilities are unique, sophisticated and complex due to the heteroginity of technologies and data. There are various risk assesment techniques and frameworks that can reduce the cyber risks and attacks. I’m going to discuss about the Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation(OCTAVE) methodology in detail.
The main objective of the Internet of Things is to lay out a connection between Internet and Users through devices and objects. IoT technology is determined as one of the most important aspect in developing the smart homes as it provides the efficient and convienient quality of life.
Problem Domain –
The smart homes have been developed using IoT technologies and Artificial Intelligence. These devices have the built-in sensors that helps in tracking of the data. If the IoT devices are not secured, then the sensitive information can be leaked which result in a great loss. The main project problem domain is that the information is open to all the vulnerable threats and attacks which results in social damage. To overcome this issue, we propose a methodology that helps in assessing the security breaches that may occur in smart home devices.
Description –
As the IoT technology connects the devices through internet, poses some security challenges to the data that is collected and exchanged among the devices. There is a high risk of Cyber-security attacks that makes the IoT based smart homes insecure. In this papaer, we are going to propose OCTAVE allegro methodology that helps in assessing the security risks and threats.
Project Aim and Objective –
The main aim of this study is to identify the different security vulnerabilities of IoT-based smart homes and propose some mitigation techniques for the identified risks.
- Ensure Smart home devices are secure.
- Assessment of security issues through adopted methodology.
- Identify and detect the risks and secure the data from unauthorised access.
Deliverables/Outcome –
The research in IoT technology results in both opportunities and as well as security risks. So, risk assessments must be preceeded to esure and discover the problems related to security. In this paper, we are going to conduct a comprehensive security risk assessmnt using OCTAVE allegro methodology.
Resources –
The resources have been choosen from CSU library and Google Scholar journal articals. These journals have determined the works done by the authors in the past.
Alignment of the Topic with the courser specialisation- The topic i have choosen is aligned with my course specialisation Computer Networking. This blog discusses about my research project and updates the weekly research of my work.