Journal Synopsis

Journal Synopsis

The generation of organic farm fertiliser has been based on Internet of Things (IoT) as well as Automation. It has been established that SMART agricultural technology helps to monitor farming. The aim has been to initiate better crop production thus innovating the landscape of existing farming methods (Ray, 2017). Organic farming has been recently based on internet of things as it helps to provide information related to crop yields and developing the fertiliser as well as content of moisture in the soil. The methods that are mostly sensor based that are known to compute soil and plant content as well as plant growth. IOT can help more in the developing this fertiliser with the help of sensors to analysis and notify the changes in plants, leaves and soils. It could be concluded that IoT in addition to diverse sensors are able to reflect on the total growth of crops as well as the soil content that is required for their development.


Ray, P. P. (2017). Internet of things for smart agriculture: Technologies, practices and future direction. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 9(4), 395-420.