WBS & Gantt Chart

Work Breakdown Structure:

  • Project Planning:Selection of the topic for the project. Create the layout, map which will be helpful in the future project, analysis of the design for planning purpose.  Create the plan, Gathering of data. Planning for further process to achieve milestone. The development of model and checking the impact of technologies.
  • Project Research: Research & Development on the project literature review, creating the Gantt Chart and WBS plan  and integration of Annotated Bibliography and Journal Synopsis.
  • Project Evaluation: Proof Reading of the, Learning outcome from the project then finding the result of the Research Question and  the delivering the final report.
  • Project Closure: Creating draft of the seminar presentation, entry of weekly blog posting to be noted, the final delivery or report of the project.

Gantt Chart:

The chart describes all the phases of the project and their task. This whole task are based on timelines with the working days with a specific milestone which shows the completion of main part.