Project Task 2 of Milestone 2:

Project Task 2 of Milestone 2:

Name: Dishali khilari
Project Title: Dishali’s Organic farm fertiliser based on IoT and Automation Project.
Week No: 04 Date :        27/04/2020
Planning: Approach of Research.
Milestone Planned: Actual: Comments:
Research Methods and Sources to be used. 28/4/2020 28/4/2020 Gathering all the information from the right resource and using the right methods which is applicable for my project.
Issues: The only problem found was not a specific paper or journal found to gather information.
Description:  Date: Action Done/ Result: Finished(Yes/No)
The information which will be needed for next task like Annotated Bibliography and Journal Paper 27/4/2020 Research is done with the help of project planning and with the required information needed. Yes


Project Task 1 of Milestone 2

Project Task 1 of Milestone 2:

Name: Dishali khilari
Project Title: Dishali’s Organic farm fertiliser based on IoT and Automation Project.
Week No: 03 Date :        21/04/2020
Planning: Creation of project planning.
Milestone Planned: Actual: Comments:
Creation of project plan. 20/4/2020 22/4/2020 Using some reference from journal and project planning I have completed this task.
Issues: No issues found.
Description:  Date: Action Done/ Result: Finished(Yes/No)
Completion of task on time and allot buffer time for unexpected problems 21/4/2020 Research is done with the help of project planning for having proper knowledge about it Yes