What makes and creates effective Parkinson’s support groups for people living in rural and regional areas of NSW?
Who is the researcher? My name is Vincent Carroll, I am a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) candidate at Charles Sturt University. I work as a Parkinson’s Clinical Nurse Consultant at the Mid North Coast Local Health District and Parkinson’s New South Wales.
Why is this research being done? The need for support is a central part of living and dealing with the challenges Parkinson’s disease brings to an individual and the caregivers who live with them. This research study aims to explore the models of Parkinson’s support group leadership, and what makes and creates an effective Parkinson’s support group.
Who can participate? Parkinson’s support groups in rural and regional New South Wales. If you are over 18 years of age and a Person with Parkinson’s, a caregiver or a support group leader, and an active member of a support group within the limits of what is possible for your group during COVID-19, Vincent would like to speak with you about your experience.
What does the study involve? If you are interested in helping with this research, Vincent will contact you and arrange a convenient time to interview you about your experience.
Interested? For more information please refer to the Participant Information Sheets
- Participant Information Sheet – Consent Person living with Parkinson’s disease
- Participant Information Sheet – Consent Support Group Caregiver
- Participant Information Sheet – Consent Support Group Leader
Or contact Vincent Carroll via telephone 0401595795 or email vcarroll@csu.edu.au. Alternatively you can email Vincent using the contact form within this website.
Charles Sturt University Research Ethics Committee has approved this project. The protocol number for this study is H20088. If you have any concerns or reservations about the ethical conduct of this project, you may contact the Committee on Tel: (02) 6338 4628 or via email at ethics@csu.edu.au. Any issues you raise will be treated in confidence and fully investigated.