Strategic focus of the program

Strategic focus of the program


Guiding principles

The Library strives to keep the program relevant to students, adopting a collaborative approach when developing the resources and support provided to a subject.
We follow these guiding principles when designing the experience for your students:

  • Content delivered to a subject is contextualised
  • We scaffold support across a course to ensure students are building on skills they already have
  • We endeavour not to duplicate a class within the same course, but will link back to previous resources to assist students when required
  • We promote the prior learning students may have done in previous subjects and
  • We focus on the unique skills required in a subject and develop these in conjunction with the standard Information & Research Literacy skills.

When is a subject right for the Embedded Program?

To keep the Embedded Librarian Program sustainable and relevant to students, we look at a number of element to assess whether a subject is a good candidate for the program.

Subject content

  • What are the subject’s learning outcomes – do they include Information & Research literacy?
  • What are the subject’s assessment tasks – do they involve any elements of Information & Research Literacy?

Course content

  • Is the subject a core subject in the course?
  • Is it a high risk subject with high attrition rates, or students with low SE levels?
  • Where does the subject fit into the course – what level is the subject?
  • Do the assessments in this subject require specific skills or knowledge that has not yet been covered in other subjects?
  • Are we already embedded elsewhere in the course?
  • Is this subject a better fit for the program than a subject we’re already involved in?
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