My name is Yvette Colomb. I started programming in my 40s and wish I’d started earlier.
I work as a full stack development, mainly with Android and C# ASP.NET development.
I have a Graduate Certificate in Mobile Applications Development and am working towards both the Diploma of Information Technology and the Master of Information Technology (Software Design and Development).
After completion of the Masters I plan to start a higher degree by research. My research will be in the areas of mobile (and possibly web) app security.
I’m an avid participant on StackOverflow and enjoy answering questions.
My attention was piqued with the introduction of Runtime Permissions within the Android 6.0 (SDK 23). It made developers more accountable for the types of information and processes the apps could access.
I always work on the premise of the greatest ignorance within the UX and the user. Ensuring secure mobile apps is an issue Google is concerned with and my interest is in how developers can circumvent the client acceptance of dangerous permission via the Google APIs.